Video and Photo Instruction Webpages
Determine your heat load needs- wizard (links to another site)
What flooring can I use? Or how to retrofit my existing home?
What Heat Source is Right For my home when using a HUG Hydronics System?
Should I use a Regular Thermostat or a Smart Thermostat for my HUG Hydronics system?
How do I layout PEX pipes?
Where to place your HUG Hydronics Unit?
What Tools do I need to install my HUG Hydronics system?
White Board (Rev 18) Installation
- Step 1 - Connecting Your System
- Step 2 - Connecting Your Thermostats
- Step 3 - Board Settings
- Step 4 - Purging Your PEX
- Step 5 - Final Steps
Legacy (Rev 15)
Complete Installation Video:
- Pre-Installation Check List
- Step 1- Hooking up hoses and pipes
- Step 2- Connecting the thermostat(s)
- Step 3- Fill the tank
- Step 4- Selecting settings and Power up
- Step 5
- Step 6- Adjust thermostats, heaters and final checks
30 second How to videos to narrow in on the topic of choice:
Installing a Combi-Boiler Adaptor
How to install a Navien Heater Kit
How to install a Rinnai Heater Kit
How to Pressure Test my PEX tubes
Why do I need to Use Clamps on my HUG Hydronics system?
How to Connect your HUG Hydronics Pumps to your PEX Tubing
How to Attach a Water Heater to Your HUG Hydronics System
What's a Jumper? and how do I Use it in my HUG Hydronics system?
How to Connect Your Thermostat to your HUG Hydronics Control Board
How to Assign Zones on the Control Board
How to Prioritize Heat Zones on your HUG Hydronics System
What do the Indicator Lights Mean on your HUG Hydronics Control Board?
When to include Glycol Antifreeze in Your HUG Hydronics System
How to Purge the Air from your PEX Hoses (This one may take longer than 30 seconds
What's the Overflow Port on the back of my HUG Hydronics system?
Using a RIB Relay
How to change a Fuse on your HUG Hydronics System
Replacing your Power Supply
Replacing a Control Board
Replacing a Water Sensor
Yearly Recommended Maintenance (w/o antifreeze)
2x/Yearly Maintenance with antifreeze
Adding a new pump
Troubleshooting your Water Heater
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How To

Quick Quack Videos
Need a quick visual reference of how to do any little (or all) the steps in installation, maintenance or repair of your HUG Hydronics in-floor heating system?
You've found the right page!
Most of these videos are under 30 sec each, so you can quickly see what you need to know and keep moving forward.
Have another questions? email
Hugh's How To Slide Shows
HUG Hydronics Installation Manual- full directions for installing the HUG Hydronics In-floor Heating System
HUG's Holey Hose Holder Installation Guide PDF step by step instructions on how to use the HUG Holey Hose Holder for the HUG Hydronics In-floor heating system.
Elbow Kit Instructions- PDF for use the HUG Hydronics in-floor heating system.
Electric Water Heater Instructions for installing with the HUG Hydronics unit
Gas Heater Instructions for installing with the HUG Hydronics unit