HUG Hydronics In-floor Heating: Easy Dual Fuel and Off Peak Instructions

It is Easy to do a dual fuel and/or off peak heating with HUG Hydronics in-floor heating system.
Hugh the Ducky's 5 steps to Off-Peak Bliss
1. Contact your electric company to discuss how they do duel fuel/off-peak, and sign up. Ask about rebates. (Right now our local power co-op is offer $400 rebate in addition to the Federal rebate of $300). Then, order our system sized to your home/building.
2. Order both the electric and gas heaters (drop a note to our sales team that you are doing dual fuel/off peak and they will have your HUG Hydronics in-floor heating unit configured for both your heaters before it's shipped to you).
Shop our Product Selector to easily set up your off-peak/ dual fuel system.
3. Install the heaters and HUG Hydronics In-floor heating system, according to instructions, but setting both pumps 9 & 10 up as heat source pumps.
4. Set up the off-peak/dual fuel connection as your electric company instructs.
5. Relax and enjoy your savings!
5 Steps to Modify Your Current HUG Hydronics In-floor Heating System to Off-Peak/ Dual Fuel
1. Contact your electric company to discuss how they do off-peak/dual fuel, and sign up. Ask about rebates. (Right now our local power co-op is offer $400 rebate in addition to the Federal rebate of $300).
2. Order another Heater Pump.
3. Order your additional heater of the style you need.
4. Install the heaters as instructed. Follow the Ducky's Guide to additional heat sources for installing your new heater pump and setting the HUG Hydronics System In-floor heating system.
4. Set up the off-peak connection as your electric company instructs.
5. Relax and enjoy your savings!